Bam Bam just realized that the basket is not only the perfect place to nap, but also a back scratcher!

Bam Bam loves to tease Hank through the window!
Bean says, "Here that's a treat! Are there more in that bag?"

Benny just can't seem to decide which toy to play with!

Bess getting a BIG HUG!

Brosco says, "Hey Bogey move! I wanna see too!"

Brutus likes to use his playtime to see how his stocks are doing. He's all business!

Buckeye never leaves home without his teddy!

Callie is clearly a BIG fan of peanut butter!

Daisy loves her relaxation time here!
Delta says, "I'm here! When can I start playing?!"

Dexter is determined to win this tug of war no matter what!

Even BIG babies like Chloe enjoy lap time every now and then!

Fonzie participating in our afternoon pilates class!

Frankie and Leo... brotherly love!
George says, "Hey, who you lookin' at?!"

Ginger can't decide if she wants to play fetch or get a belly rub!

Gracie says, "Hut, hut, hike!"
Hey Lucy, are treats a lot tastier to you since your tongue is so big?

Hmmm... in this match up our money is on Penny!

Hudson dancing for a treat!

If only I was a little bigger...

Jessie is deciding whether the trip up the ramp is worth it!

Julio says, "This is my ramp, back off!"

Lily takes lap time to a whole new level!

Look at these two goofballs soaking up the attention!

Lucy loves to give our staff kisses!

Macie loves her feather toy!

Maddie enjoying this beautiful day!
Meet our two new office helpers: Atlas and Zeddicus!

Monty mid-air!

Oliver loves his snuggle time!

Otto the flying dog!

Payton's favorite game is hide and seek!

Pearl is doing the stair climber as her morning exercise!

Poof is out and about, and getting some lovin'!

Rico is such a ladies man!
Roxie says Are all these toys for me?

Roxy helping us greet customers!
Scarlet says, "Excuse me, where's my treat?!"

Sebastion found that our playtime room also doubles as a wallyball court!
Sidney, playing or sleeping? You decide!

So many toys to choose from... can I play with them all?

Springer teasing us with his toy!

Tawny all sprawled out in the basket!

There's nothing Moe loves more than getting his belly rubbed!

Tucker loves playing tug of war!

Wait, is that a treat?! How did that get up here?

We have so many toys here, but Asti and Kona decided they wanted the same one!
Who needs a pillow, right Ayla?!

Zoe all snuggled up in the front office!
Doggie Daycare
INNdividualized Daycare!
Tailored to your individual dog. Give them a special adventure each day!
Let your loved one relish in all the amenities of a spa for the day, so you can both rest at night.
We’ve created an all-day doggie daycare package that will allow your dog to return home content
for $27.
Your dog's day will include:
- A morning exercise break in a spacious play area, or substitute for a walk outside.
- Breakfast of Champions – Customized meal plans.
- Another exercise break or walk.
- Playtime... YAY!!!
- Kick back in their own private suite to nap or watch the “live reality show” going on around them.
- Playtime Again... YAY!!!
- Dinner is served.
- Yet another exercise break or walk.
- YAY! Mom’s here – can I please come back tomorrow to play with my friends?
Your dog will have an INNvigorating day of fun tailored to your individual dog. And the first day is free! Simply call to reserve a spot and try it out at no charge.
Playtimes-a-plenty Included
Ball Toss, Walk’n Talk, Massage Me, Lap of Luxury, or Dog Decides
Bathing Beauty! Price Varies
We’ll get 'em ready for lovin'
Nail trim $20
So you don't have to
Second dog in the same suite 30% off
They'll enjoy the company
Adjoining rooms available for big parties!